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COMMUNICATIOn, play, social

The links below include resources related to teaching children with autism communication, play, and social skills.     

Communication Skills: This free download for the book Autism 24/7 by Andy Body and Lori Frost and provides families with a guide for teaching their child with autism in the home and community: Autism 24/7  Free Book Download

Tips for Using Technology Devices:  Autism Speaks is an organization dedicated to supporting individuals with autism and their families. They have a range of resources on their website.  This link provides tips for families on teaching their child with autism to use a device for communication and other areas: Autism Speaks

Teaching Pretend Play:  Rethink Autism offers a range of online training tools and resources.  This brief video includes some examples of pretend play skills to teach:  Pretend Play

Teaching Social Skills:  This free download for the book Teaching Socials Skills to People with Autism from Andy Body and Mary Jane Weiss includes skills to teach and strategies for teaching:  Teaching Social Skills Free Book Download

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